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"Thus says the Lord, 'For Solomon, a peaceful man, shall build a house in my honor' "  - 1 Chronicles 22: 9-10

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In the time of King David, the Lord spoke to him saying that his son Solomon would build a house in honor of the Lord.  Solomon fulfilled the Lord’s command by building a Temple and a reign of peace followed. 


Today, the Solomon Project seeks to build houses in honor of our Lord, recognizing that we are temples of the Holy Spirit. The Solomon Project was created by NGNS (North Grand Neighborhood Services) and seeks to build affordable housing in the North St. Louis community. 


The affordable housing is made possible through volunteer laborers, financial contributions and donated building materials. Volunteer groups commit their time and energy on a regular basis under the direction of a qualified general contractor. These groups can follow their project from beginning to completion.


“It is a rewarding experience to see the fruits of our labor when the new home owner moves in,” said one of the volunteers.

Develop with Dignity was started in 2008 with the rise of development in North St. Louis. It began with the gathering of churches, under the idea that churches in North St. Louis provided natural places for communities to gather. The movements' goal is to provide a framework for the ethical development of our neighborhoods; while we welcome all efforts to revitalize a once prosperous area, it must be respected that lives and homes have been built here for generations. All development must take this into consideration, and we ask especially that developers adhere to 4 specific principles:


1.  Engage area residents and their elected officials in formulating a redevelopment plan

2.  No use of eminent domain on owner occupied property

3.  Maintain current properties so they do not become a nuisance or a danger to the community

4.  Every consideration must be given to developing diverse communities

2425 Fall Avenue, St. Louis, MO  63113      314-449-1764

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